Kingston CWMS Re-use

Project background and challenges

  • Township of Kingston located on the southern side of Lake Albert in the upper Southeast of South Australia.
  • The Kingston CWMS collection system was completed in 2000 and consists of a gravity pipe network and 11 pump stations transferring wastewater to a treatment lagoon.
  • Initial use of reclaimed water was along the Kingston foreshore picnic and community area.
  • During rainy periods in winter, the limited capacity of the foreshore area to receive reclaimed water posed a consequential risk of overflow at the lagoon and storage pond site.
  • Other uses for reclaimed water needed to be found to reduce the volume stored at the beginning of winter, thereby alleviating the overflow risk and also extending the benefits of reclaimed water re-use to other areas within the Kingston township.

Scope, solutions and results

  • Council resolved to extend the re-use of reclaimed water for irrigating the oval and town cemetery.
  • Treatment lagoons no longer at risk of over flowing due to increased use of reclaimed water for irrigation.
  • The water reuse has resulted in enhanced sporting, recreational and community facilities.