Renmark Concept Study

HDS Australia was engaged by Transport SA to conduct a concept study into the National Highway route through Renmark. The study concerned the 11.7 kilometer section of the Sturt Highway between Calperum Hill (west of Renmark) and Lindsay Point Road at Paringa.

The study was undertaken in three stages:

  • Stage 1 examined the existing physical and operational conditions of this section of the highway and identified issues and deficiencies.
  • Stage 2 investigated the issues and deficiencies further to develop a number of feasible road improvement options to overcome or correct them.
  • Stage 3 further developed the preferred option and examined the viability of the improvement works.

To successfully undertake this study, HDS Australia utilised a range of skills including strategic planning, stakeholder consultation, traffic and accident data analysis, pavement analysis, environmental issues, heritage and indigenous issues, road and traffic design and cost estimation.

Issues that arose during Stage 1 included:

  • Customers using McDonalds and KFC park directly on Renmark Avenue, blocking a through lane;
  • At the 18th Street Intersection, traffic using the National Highway is required to give way to through traffic from Renmark

Options to improve these issues included:

  • Creating indented parking bays on Renmark Avenue; and
  • Changing the alignment of the 18th Street intersection to give priority to the national highway traffic.